About Us

Who are we:

We are team of highly skilled facilitators trained to deliver the Personal Effectiveness Program and The Leader Effectiveness Training program to groups or individuals. These dynamic programs skill people to build honest, authentic and real relationships.  One of the features that distinguishes this training is the valuable opportunities you get to practise on real-life problems and scenarios within the training.  Each program has a workbook and a text full of info and exercises to support your experience and deepen your learning.

Where are we: 

Classes on this site are offered face to face across Australia and New Zealand.   Go to;  Timetable now to find your nearest program or an Instructor nearest to you to register your interest.

If there isn’t a course or instructor near you don’t worry,  talk to an instructor about joining via Zoom or another web platform.  We will try to help you as much as possible…

Become an Accredited Instructor: 

Consider becoming an instructor teaching our powerful programs.  See: Become an Instructor

What others say:


Other programs:

We also offer a program specifically for parents called Parent Effectiveness Training;

go to http://www.parenttraining.com.au

Honouring our Founders

Linda Adams created the Be Your Best Program known as Personal Effectiveness in Australia and authoured the text ‘Be Your Best’ which goes with the program.  Linda is the President of Gordon Training International.  Visit More about Gordon Training International

Dr. Thomas Gordon is considered a world leader in interpersonal communication skills has authored nine best-selling books on communication and psychology for doctors, leaders, teachers, youth, clergy, and parents, with over 7 million copies sold worldwide.

His programs “Leadership Effectiveness Training and “Parent Effectiveness Training” are the most widely respected, researched, and admired interpersonal communication skills programs in the world and are now delivered in 45 countries.

Dr. Gordon was recognised for his outstanding contribution to humanity as a nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997, 1998, and 1999 and winner of the American Psychology Institute Award for Peace Studies in 2000.  He consulted to the White House on matters relating to families, especially during the Clinton administration. Visit More about Dr. Gordon’s work